Page name: Avril Haters United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-09-25 14:10:10
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Owner: Forget to forget me.
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Avril Haters United




[A.D.D] I can beat that. I'm the one who shat on it.
[EARTHWORM MOTHERFUCKIN' JOE.] My mate shat on an Avril CD the other day. Beat that, guys.
[Forget to forget me.] Now.. how am I going to kill this poser bitch without anyone knowing...?
[Make Damn Sure] Avirl should die
[If I was a gummi bear] All i can say is HATE!
[lil funky squirrel] ya!I love hating ppl!
[Zacks Pixie Bitch] ...Didnt she die..?
[Creaming Jesus] We should go to one of her concerts and shoot her down then sell her body parts on ebay
[ToxicBlackMess] Avril is a poser with unusually large sholders :/
[dendrite.] she called pink a poser *throws knives at avril* pink is no poser XD so avril must die!
[burntashes] i really dont mind her right...stabs avril in back yess!!!!8)
[pierced up princess]she is the dombest person EVER!
[angelique_demise] avril needs to be blown up or something...i hate her with every fiber of my being...every piece of my soul...her and brittni spears...
[h.i.m.gurl] i hate avril her songs r so annoyin she needs to die!
[†bLaCkRiBBoN†] avril sucks, SO THERE
[i need to improvise] i cant stand her...*sudders*
[Char.]Why'd you have to go and make things so... *stops and looks around* hahha =|
[me matas] averil must die at my hands
[Graffiti Hearts] i hate her with a vengence. pitch fork at the ready..WHOS WITH ME!?
[Nee'lahn] hell im with you..she is fake and her music is fake..she's just uuggghhhh...
[laughingCity] Just looking at her makes me feel gross!
[Fushigi Rockna] God i hate her! stupid racoon! ><
[stink 18poo] Why'd you have to go make things so constipated??? BECAUSE AVRIL LOOKS LIKE SHE IS
[dimmu_borgir3212] she is a dumb bitch and her music sucks dick!
[*KillJoy*] She is such a poser!
[werso anxious 2b 2gether,2gether indeath] damn! she pisses me off. and her music sucks, just like her!
[Crying Crimson Tears]die bitch die. she is so fake it makes me sick. im tired of people saying i look like her.
[goneawaynow] God damn it I hate that fucking poser and how she thinks she invented the tie look, my mom wore a tie before this fucking bitch I swear I am going to kill her some fucking day
[Teufelsweib] stupid pandabear look-a-like with those eyes.... DIE FUCKING BITCH!!
[Lost_soul_of BrandonLee2]
[pretty in blood] Advil Losange!!
[a faerie tale] is she dead yet?
[stoopid] she should burn!
[Smile Addiction] DIE!!! *grabs a kitchen knife*
[C-vicious] kill her now!
[0 0 0 0] >:( Kill her for me... please!! 
[Fat Chubby Penguin]haha what a poser....she can't sing or play guitar..that's so sad!
[SILLY..(BETH)] shes CRAP 
[Pyro_Angel] she is ok......NOT she is a frickin poser who cant sing wirth shit!!!! 
[Account No Longer Active] I don't think she should die, I just think she needs to....yeah...she does need to drop dead sometime SOON.
[SBRLexa]OMG! I can't stand to see her face! And the fact that she's dating Dereck Whibley from Sum 41?!? Biotch.
[SUD] U tell 'em! Ya,know it is kinda a shocker,about the Dereck Whibley thing.And I have seen Sum 41 once or twice and I have a question is he the lead singer???
[more meredith please!] dear g-d shes rich, white, and FAMOUS! why is she always so "pissed off"?! shes not anything but a poser.
[Crow T. Robot] she's a retard and a poser
[clownsies] its amazing how stupid posers can be......talke avril for example...........
[Following my brother.] Yay I hate Avril!
[.12.] I hate her
[*~*Honey*~*] o my i hate her
[IX.Dollface] Saddest fucking thing to EVER give Canada a bad name >__< I hate her with every inch of body, BLEH RACCOONY POSER BITCH!!!
[Je Vous Aime] ugh... she's so... just... ugh.
[Qqqqqqjdidbfjd] ive hated her forver V_v
[Tolmeni] According to the insane vampiress countess Erszebet Bathory, bathing in woman's blood will make you beautiful. If you bathe in Avril blood, you will probably die of spontaneous skin cancer. DIE AVRIL.
[Anthrax] i hate her!! and her music she sucks ASS!!!!!!! grrr
[Broken Alive] she should curl up in a corner and die
[~Nameless Dream~] mwahahha,anger!
[* Pink Cherry *] oooh many avril haters cool me hates her big time !
[earthkynd] yea, she's as punk as blink 182 or simple plan  fake fake fake!   delete her!
[Metalelf] this what passes for music nowadays? *shakes head in dismay*
[~username~] Usually I'm open-mended when it comes to music, but I just don't like her songs. she sings about things she doesn't even know.

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2005-02-27 [Teufelsweib]: dearly damn indeed right

2005-02-27 [C-vicious]: avril needs to fucking die!

2005-02-28 [stoopid]: no... ...not die... slowly and painful tortured for the rest of her sad heartless days!!!

2005-02-28 [Teufelsweib]: being immortal is a worse punishment then death...

2005-03-01 [Dracula Dead and Loving It]: that was a good one

2005-03-01 [Teufelsweib]: o really....

2005-03-02 [Lost_soul_of BrandonLee2]: Indeed! I did it with my nose~!!!!!!!

2005-03-02 [Dracula Dead and Loving It]: you did it with your nose?!, what you do?

2005-03-02 [The Messiah]: Everybody sing with me: AVRIL IS A DUMB FUCK...

2005-03-02 [Teufelsweib]: great done! writing indeed with your nose ^_^

2005-03-02 [Teufelsweib]: *sings* AVRIIIIL IIIIS AA DUUUUMB FUUUUUCK!!!!!!

2005-03-03 [speakyourwords]: just because she acts liker herself she gets made fun of. it seems like everyone is obsessed with labeling.... and calling people poser's.... :(

2005-03-03 [Lost_soul_of BrandonLee2]: Yay!! I'm back!

2005-03-03 [stoopid]: Avril IS a dumb fuck!

2005-03-04 [Lost_soul_of BrandonLee2]: Indeed!

2005-03-04 [Teufelsweib]: avril is maked fun of? don't you think that when you sell a hell lot of albums across the whole world means that everyone is making fun of you? she sells such a lot acting like someone else, like she wants to have that role in the film about the live of Courtney Love. and like magic she appears everywhere in dresses and with blonde hair, do you call that acting like yourself??

2005-03-07 [stoopid]: NO! That bitch just needs to go back to singing country shit!

2005-03-08 [Teufelsweib]: then she isn't cool enough anymore 0_o

2005-03-08 [stoopid]: all i know is she must burn!!!!!

2005-03-10 [Teufelsweib]: hmmm... what about scratching her skin open and trow salt at her?

2005-03-10 [Dracula Dead and Loving It]: dudes, check out my new profile. its funny...(cricket)...oh yeah, and avril can lick my cold undead balls!!!!!

2005-03-10 [Teufelsweib]: well, Avri will be delighted to do that 0_o

2005-03-10 [Teufelsweib]: that's indeed a very funny movie ^_^

2005-03-13 [stoopid]: how about death by penguins?

2005-03-14 [Teufelsweib]: poor penguins...

2005-03-15 [stoopid]: yeah penguins are too hardcore for her

2005-03-15 [Teufelsweib]: what about poodles?

2005-03-15 [Dracula Dead and Loving It]: even the poodles

2005-03-15 [Teufelsweib]: but those stupid french ones then?

2005-03-16 [stoopid]: dude! anything is more hardcore then that bitch!

2005-03-16 [Teufelsweib]: Bush?

2005-03-16 [Dracula Dead and Loving It]: even him...well, maybe not him cause hes just as much of a pussy as she is

2005-03-16 [Teufelsweib]: they belong together, how sweet ^^

2005-03-16 [Lost_soul_of BrandonLee2]: hehe!

2005-03-18 [Teufelsweib]: hihi

2005-03-20 [stoopid]: Bush who?... ...sorry i'm stupid.

2005-03-20 [Teufelsweib]: president bush. hmm, the banner has been removed out of my house by the guards...

2005-03-21 [stoopid]: Bush IS hardcore man! he could use an army to kill her!

2005-03-21 [stoopid]: DUDE! They took off me anti-avril banner! This sucks!

2005-03-21 [Teufelsweib]: yours to? bleh, that sucks. we need a new banner

2005-03-21 [stoopid]: yeah we do! dude, why did they take it off?

2005-03-21 [Forget to forget me.]: I'm making a nerw banner...

2005-03-21 [stoopid]: make sure this one can stay up.

2005-03-21 [Dracula Dead and Loving It]: they took off all my banners dude. that sucks balls

2005-03-21 [stoopid]: NO! THAT SUCKS MONKEY BALLS MAN!

2005-03-23 [stoopid]: YES! A new banner!

2005-03-23 [Teufelsweib]: gorilla balls you mean

2005-03-23 [stoopid]: DUDE! IS THAT POSIABLE?!?

2005-03-23 [Teufelsweib]: why not? a gorilla is just some weird BIG monkey

2005-03-23 [stoopid]: DUDE! THAT SOUNDS LIKE FU... ...i mean... ...yeah and stuff

2005-03-24 [Teufelsweib]: why not? :P

2005-03-24 [stoopid]: Why not what?

2005-03-24 [Teufelsweib]: gorilla balls

2005-03-24 [stoopid]: Dude! Gorilla balls must be fucking huge!

2005-03-24 [Teufelsweib]: this is also a huge stupid thing!

2005-03-24 [stoopid]: Huh? Whatever!

2005-03-24 [Teufelsweib]: yeah, the banner-thing you know

2005-03-24 [stoopid]: We should make a more insulting banner! Something that says fuck you avril... ...fuck you!

2005-03-24 [Teufelsweib]: go suck gorilla balls avril!!

2005-03-24 [stoopid]: no thats too hardcore for her!

2005-03-25 [Teufelsweib]: resus ape balls then?

2005-03-25 [stoopid]: whatever...

2005-03-25 [Teufelsweib]: yeah..

2005-03-25 [Teufelsweib]: all kind of monkey balls then I suppose...

2005-03-25 [stoopid]: so why do you hate avril?

2005-03-26 [Teufelsweib]: because whe calls her music rock, what's a total lie. and she acts so tough but if you'd meet her she woulnd't dare.

2005-03-26 [stoopid]: DAMN STRATE!

2005-03-27 [Teufelsweib]: but that is also the main reason why everybody hates her!

2005-03-28 [stoopid]: I hater because she sucks man!

2005-03-28 [Teufelsweib]: yeah, ok, that's maybe the main reason then

2005-03-28 [stoopid]: yeah and stuff!

2005-03-28 [Teufelsweib]: we hate her because she sucks... how original though 0_o

2005-03-28 [stoopid]: Whatever!

2005-03-29 [Teufelsweib]: yeah...

2005-03-29 [stoopid]: yeah and stuff!

2005-03-31 [Teufelsweib]: indeed!

2005-03-31 [Dracula Dead and Loving It]: indeed and stuff!

2005-03-31 [Teufelsweib]: indeed, yeah and stuff!!




2005-04-03 [Lost_soul_of BrandonLee2]: Hey this was my indeed game lol jsut playing indeed

2005-04-04 [Dracula Dead and Loving It]: sure and stuff

2005-04-04 [Teufelsweib]: more stuff

2005-04-09 [stoopid]: i am soooooooooooo lost...

2005-04-09 [Teufelsweib]: there is no path here anyway to keep on to. we are talking about nothing

2005-04-11 [Teufelsweib]: why does someone here joined the AVRIL HATERS club and says he/she loves avril??? o_0

2005-04-11 [Forget to forget me.]: The chick that joined here that "loves Avril" will be banned. Don't worry. =)

2005-04-12 [Teufelsweib]: good... I was already getting worried what it would end up to

2005-04-12 [SILLY..(BETH)]: avril is not rock. she can not sing like a rock star. she cannot play like a rock matter how hard she tries she will never succeed. EVER!!!!

2005-04-12 [Teufelsweib]: I wouldn't even dare to call that noise music!


2005-04-12 [Teufelsweib]: she is already gone, she has been banned (yay!!!!!!)

2005-04-13 [SILLY..(BETH)]: hus been banned?

2005-04-13 [Teufelsweib]: some girl that had edited her name under the list and said stuff like how much she loves avril lavinge's music

2005-04-13 [SILLY..(BETH)]: errr...y?!?! (meanin y did she rite it) thanks for banning her!

2005-04-13 [Teufelsweib]: I don't know why, there are pretty much people who come here and whine about that what we are doing is soooo bad because Avril is good

2005-04-13 [SILLY..(BETH)]: there all fucked in the head then....the lot of them

2005-04-13 [stoopid]: i'm back... ...i know you missed me... ...YOU DID! whos fucked in the head?

2005-04-14 [Teufelsweib]: yay, he's back! and the fucked in the head people is the person that what she has done can be read here above

2005-04-14 [stoopid]: i hate when people deside that it would be funny to piss people off BY FUCKING WITH THERE MINDS OVER WIKIS!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-04-15 [SILLY..(BETH)]: me too

2005-04-15 [Teufelsweib]: everyone does... I think

2005-04-15 [Dracula Dead and Loving It]: lets hope they all burn in hell along with avril

2005-04-15 [Teufelsweib]: yuuuk, I almost had forgotten that bitch...

2005-04-15 [SILLY..(BETH)]: I HATE HER!!!! altho i gess thats oviouse seeing as im on here....oh well...just wanted to make that perfectly clear

2005-04-15 [Teufelsweib]: WE ALL HATE HER!! that's what indeed brings us together in this marvellous place of hate

2005-04-15 [Dracula Dead and Loving It]: yes, a place of hate but not for the world. just for that fucking groupie avril lavinge or however the hell you spell it. it matters not cause we still hate her fuckin punkass

2005-04-15 [SILLY..(BETH)]: *CORRECTION* shes not punk...but she trys bless her. that was me takin the piss out of her by the way

2005-04-15 [Teufelsweib]: it's a fucking fake-punkass!

2005-04-15 [SILLY..(BETH)]: indeed

2005-04-15 [SILLY..(BETH)]: agh. i cant stand her!!

2005-04-15 [Teufelsweib]: well...though I woulnd't even want to give her the name fake-punk because even that is to high for her.

2005-04-15 [SILLY..(BETH)]: how about....scum of the earth?....nah theres gotta b sumthin lower...

2005-04-15 [Teufelsweib]: I think Avril stands in an alone depht under the food-chain

2005-04-15 [SILLY..(BETH)]: whale shit

2005-04-17 [Dracula Dead and Loving It]: not even...lets try something more worthless than worthless or whale shit..

2005-04-17 [SILLY..(BETH)]: i dunno...

2005-04-17 [Teufelsweib]: what about Harry Potter!!

2005-04-17 [SILLY..(BETH)]: there shud be a wiki devoted to hating him as well!! lol

2005-04-17 [Teufelsweib]: indeed! but there are so much Hairy Potter lovers that they would probably hunt us down and lynch us...

2005-04-17 [SILLY..(BETH)]: tru but we could build up an army...

2005-04-17 [Teufelsweib]: gooooood idea.... *evil laugh*

2005-04-17 [SILLY..(BETH)]: it would be fun...MMWWHHAHAHA!!!

2005-04-17 [Teufelsweib]: then we will KILL JK ROWLING!!!!!

2005-04-18 [Dracula Dead and Loving It]: and burn all her fuckin porno wizard fantasy books... they're so fuckin lame!!! lets do it!

2005-04-18 [Dracula Dead and Loving It]: and lets bring avril along so we can enjoy watching her burn along with all those goddamn harry potter books and jk rowling.

2005-04-18 [Teufelsweib]: or we could throw those books at Avril until she dies..

2005-04-18 [Dracula Dead and Loving It]: oh yes. it sound like fun..."let he who has sinned cast the first harry potter book, cause they suck"

2005-04-18 [SILLY..(BETH)]: we should parade them round the country...a celebration of...err...finally getting rid of the most retarded people on the planet...heee hee... 

2005-04-18 [blazingshade]: hee hee sounds good those lame ass Harry Potter books,...god damn them all to hell, the books and JK....they gave me skitzafrenia, ill sue them damn itt, then burn them...ill join your anti-avril and JK army!!!

2005-04-18 [stoopid]: hello all...

2005-04-19 [Teufelsweib]: what's skitzafrenia?? o_0

2005-04-19 [Dracula Dead and Loving It]: i didnt even know advanced dilusionary skitsofernia with involuntary narcissistic rage existed until i discovered these lame ass fuckers!! lets burn them then piss on the ashes!!

2005-04-19 [Teufelsweib]: I like the idea ^_^

2005-04-21 [Ultiem]: who owns the wiki

2005-04-21 [Teufelsweib]: I have no idea actually...

2005-04-22 [Dracula Dead and Loving It]: we dont know but this is fun!! just talking about decapitating avril and burn her body, piss on the ashes, shit in her mouth, then burn the head then piss on the heads ashes!!!

2005-04-22 [Forget to forget me.]: I own the wiki.

2005-04-22 [Teufelsweib]: hello, he who owns wiki

2005-04-22 [SILLY..(BETH)]: not me

2005-04-22 [Dracula Dead and Loving It]: hello, he/she who owns wiki

2005-04-22 [Teufelsweib]: o yeah, it could be a she to...


2005-04-23 [Teufelsweib]: we all want to do that, join the club

2005-04-23 [SILLY..(BETH)]: no i wouldnt beat her with it. i would kill her with it.....MMWWHHAHAHA!!!

2005-04-23 [Teufelsweib]: I would force her to EAT IT!

2005-04-23 [SILLY..(BETH)]: yeah...that would kill her! *gets visual*

2005-04-23 [Teufelsweib]: I don't know if it would kill her, but I'm sure it's nasty! :D

2005-04-23 [SILLY..(BETH)]: shes so stupid she would proberly forget to chew and choke on the strings....choke to death...

2005-04-23 [Teufelsweib]: oh yeah, that's possible to. or if we 'forget' to unplug the guitar... :D

2005-04-23 [SILLY..(BETH)]: gets better and better...

2005-04-23 [Teufelsweib]: what about the drums to, she has got nothing in her head anyway so they would fit to

2005-04-23 [parsley rules]: im honestly planning avril's death

2005-04-24 [Teufelsweib]: cool, can we join? :P

2005-04-24 [SILLY..(BETH)]: stick the drum sticks up her arse

2005-04-24 [Dracula Dead and Loving It]: and all the broken guitar pieces

2005-04-25 [Teufelsweib]: and microphone..

2005-04-25 [Dracula Dead and Loving It]: then shove some laxative down her throat and make her shit the wooden shards so they can stick to her anus.(not sure i spelled that right)

2005-04-25 [Teufelsweib]: why use laxatives *evil grin*

2005-04-25 [Dracula Dead and Loving It]: so we can feed her the microphone and make her shit so that it comes out cord and everything

2005-04-25 [Teufelsweib]: what about just slicingher stumic open, stuff the microphone in it and sew her anus shut

2005-04-25 [SILLY..(BETH)]: then make her eat the shit

2005-04-25 [Dracula Dead and Loving It]: ooh that sounds like fun! *evil grin*

2005-04-25 [Dracula Dead and Loving It]: fuck that feed her dog shit and other shit and..stuff...

2005-04-25 [SILLY..(BETH)]: any random shit that we can find...and....err....any thing else bags...err...make her chew that ironed hair she seems to love so much

2005-04-25 [Dracula Dead and Loving It]: and put some lime in her stomach so we burn her bitch ass and torture her that way

2005-04-25 [SILLY..(BETH)]: yeah...and we could attach 'it' to the back of a quad bike or sumthin and drag 'it' thro a really muddy field...and who ever drives the quad bike can piss all over her...

2005-04-25 [Teufelsweib]: what about this great thing I read in the news paper today: boy soaks girl in terpentine and burns her, puts her under the shower and does it again.. sounds like something nice for Avril

2005-04-25 [SILLY..(BETH)]: perfect. MMWWHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!

2005-04-25 [Teufelsweib]: indeed!! put burning her eyes out seperatly would be nice to..

2005-04-25 [SILLY..(BETH)]: but i want to shave her head first. and make her wear a pretty pink dress

2005-04-25 [Teufelsweib]: heh heh heh... and then burn the dress!! ^_^

2005-04-25 [SILLY..(BETH)]: soak it in petrol first

2005-04-25 [Teufelsweib]: of course! ^_^

2005-04-25 [SILLY..(BETH)]: then we can throw the remains of the body to a pack of dogs

2005-04-25 [Teufelsweib]: poodles!!

2005-04-26 [SILLY..(BETH)]: pretty pink ones....with bows

2005-04-26 [Teufelsweib]: self-exploding..

2005-04-26 [SILLY..(BETH)]: atomic poodles. with lasers for eyes and a taste for avril...the taste must be close

2005-04-26 [Teufelsweib]: I would rather eat a bucket filled with vomit then nibbling on Avril!

2005-04-26 [SILLY..(BETH)]: lol. me to. even with whisked in bird shit

2005-04-27 [Dracula Dead and Loving It]: lets throw her body parts in a bucket full of whale vomit and put lime in it.

2005-04-27 [SILLY..(BETH)]: lol....sounds good

2005-04-27 [Teufelsweib]: do whales spuke than?

2005-04-27 [Dracula Dead and Loving It]: that makes it more fucked up

2005-04-28 [A7X]: i love this page

2005-04-28 [Teufelsweib]: it's indeed a very grand page

2005-04-28 [SILLY..(BETH)]: the best ever....and we shall make it better!!

2005-04-28 [Teufelsweib]: by writing here more ways to kill Avril

2005-04-28 [SILLY..(BETH)]: ...mmm....shouldnt be that difficult

2005-04-28 [Teufelsweib]: so many ways

2005-04-29 [Dracula Dead and Loving It]: you know what we should do, we should torture her by inflicting small cuts with razor blades and make her bleed to death in pain. YAY

2005-04-30 [SILLY..(BETH)]: ...mmm....

2005-04-30 [girl. interrupted.]: nah...that would be too mainstream...what you should do is make her eat her boyfriend until she chokes to death. if she's not dead then, slit her throat with a platinum copy of her brand new CD, under my skin

2005-05-02 [Teufelsweib]: cut wounds, pour salt over them. then chop her feat off (let her eat them) and let her walk through mud and finally clean the dirty wounds with rubbling alcohol

2005-05-03 [girl. interrupted.]: hey, that works too...THEN do the whole slitting her throat with her CD thing

2005-05-03 [girl. interrupted.]: aha, i was bullshitting u all...i am actually a BIG FAN of avril and u should all DIE! MWAHAHAHA

2005-05-03 [Teufelsweib]: so you came here first to talk about how to kill avril and now you're going to kill us while you don't even know where we live? get a life... please

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